Foals, youngstock get a final run before winter sets in

THE All Breeds Show Society wound up the Victorian foal and youngstock show season with a two-day show at the Elmore Equestrian Park.
The area is a strong one for horse breeding, with several of the state’s biggest Thoroughbred studs and pony breeders making it home, so it was no surprise that there were 113 entries on Sunday and 127 on Monday.
Where usually the breeds are mainly traditional Riding Pony and Welsh, it was interesting to see just how many other breeds were represented.
As an example of the wide range on show, the supreme champion purebred Gypsy Cob was Rachael Porter’s King Valley Dream Weaver, the Australian Stock Horse was Michelle Gorton’s Oakton Lodge Sudden Impression and the Appaloosa suprmeme was KJM Colour Explosion shown by Jess McKee.

The supreme champion Shetland Pony was Anne Anne Paynter’s Edgewood Rafello.
The Paint supreme champion was Ryan Robinson’s Pistols and Pearls, the Quarter Horse was RR Diversified shown by Ryan Robinson and the Clydesdale suprmeme was Brittany Elliot’s Samara Park Royal Blue, but these were just some of the breeds on show.
The part-breds were also quality youngsters. Matt Porter’s part-bred Clydesdale Daquera Shadowfax, the part-bred Gypsy Cob Brittany Elliot’s Elites Prophecy of Durin and the part-bred Friesian, Matt Foss’ Zena Van Gorsuch, all creating a lot of interest as well as taking home the champion sashes.
Among the winners in the traditional pony rings were champion Australian Pony Jack Riedell’s Fontan Park Ice Princess, the champion Mountain and Moorland Jahnae Parrish’s Dartmoor, Outlook Rejoice, and Robert Cockram’s Riding Pony Deanhills Declaration.
Supreme champions were chosen in each ring.
Ring one supreme champion was Ryan Robinson’s RR Diversified, ring two was Ellen Grant's Sirrah So Vain shown by Stewie Robinson, ring three was the APSB champion Jarickni Delta, shown by Jan Beckwith, and ring four was the Shetland Pony Edgewood Rafello, shown by Stewie Robinson.
At the end of the competitions the panel of judges used a points system to choose Robert Cockram’s Deanhill Declaration as the grand champion foal and Chloe Beckwick’s Jarickni Delta as the grand champion youngstock.
(Click any image to expand)
1. Robert Cockram’s Deanhill Declaration. Picture Carmel Pethick
2. Jahnae Parrish's Outlook Rejoice. Picture: Equine Promotions
3. Takari Park Tiny Dancer owned by H. Jones and D. Berry. Picture: Equine Promotions
4. Sirrah So Vain owned by E. Grant. Picture: Equine Promotions
5. Arcadian Moonlight owned by Dr H Cooper and S Cooper. Picture: Equine Promotions
6. Olsen Park Moondancer. Picture: Equine Promotions
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