Junior riders get their turn for training at progressive club

THE Young Dressage Association continues its mission to provide high quality tuition for its members, this time offering a two-day training opportunity specifically for young riders.
The clinic attracted 48 participants from various regions including the Southern Highlands, ACT, Snow Mountains, Hilltops and Central West.
They gathered at the club’s picturesque Bendick Murrell grounds on July 15-16 and worked with a high-quality line-up of experienced coaches who provided valuable guidance and instruction to the enthusiastic participants.

Club spokeswoman Amba McGoldrick said the clinic was very successful and described it as “friendly and inclusive”.
“By fostering a nurturing and inclusive environment, the Young Dressage Association ensured that every participant received constructive feedback tailored to their individual needs,” she said.
“Through personalised guidance, young riders were able to identify areas for improvement, enabling them to advance their skillset and broaden their understanding of the sport.”
The young rider clinic followed the club’s first dressage camp in March, which catered for senior riders.
Amba said both events were examples of the Young Dressage Association’s progressive attitude towards developing skills and providing new and innovative opportunities for riders.
“The overwhelming response to the clinic highlights the rising popularity of equestrian sports in regional NSW and the commitment of Young Dressage Association to providing top-notch opportunities for young individuals to flourish within the discipline,” she said.
“The event's success has further demonstrated the organisation's reputation as a catalyst for positive change and growth within the equestrian community.”
New members are always welcome at the club, with more information available from the Young Dressage Association website.

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