Berry blessed with good weather and plenty of entries

THE quaint little town of Berry on the south coast of NSW comes alive for the annual show in autumn and hosts a full two days of horse events with something for everyone.
Chief horse steward Gillian Orford said they were blessed this year with perfect weather, beautifully manicured grounds and a large number of happy horse exhibitors.
Berry always has strong breed sections and showing on Friday was dedicated to these classes.
Arabians were judged by Linda Skinner who awarded champion purebred stallion and subsequently supreme purebred Arabian to Echos of Jezzire exhibited by J. Lord, champion purebred mare to Acesam Dancing With Fire shown by S. Rosser and champion purebred gelding to K. Farmer’s Arabesque Silver Dollar.
There was a wide range of breeds in the pony ring with Danielle Duprez judging. The champion Miniature Horse was Puzzle Pieces Deity’s Diamonte (S. Zwar), Champion Miniature Pony Willowmoss Nightingales Song (B. Holmes) and the supreme champion Shetland sash went to Shambala Park Meg shown by the Johnson family.

The champion Welsh B pony was Gilbert Valley Sparkles (F. Mylan), champion Welsh C/D Summark Park Sweet Melody (T. Hoare), champion Partbred Welsh Snowbrea Pixie Dust (B. Starkey), champion Connemara Garnet (T. Hoare), champion Riding Pony Bamborough Mr Mysterious (K. Kelly), champion Australian Pony Kooyong Xavier (K. Kelly) and champion Saddle Pony Kyldar Script (S. Williams).
Friday’s large breeds were judged by Sue Walker who chose Move Over Bosanova (M. Ritchie) as her champion Thoroughbred. Champion Warmblood was Vellara Aurora (S. Green) and champion Quarter Horse was Skyeblu Groovin Perfection (J. Clarke).
On Saturday in ring one, Ms Duprez selected Mason Larden as her champion junior boy rider and Carys Herd as the champion girl rider.
The champion small pony hack was Wednesbury Bluebell (R. Darvey), champion large pony hack Wakefield Classic (R. Dorney), champion small show hunter pony Candlewood Rock Star (C. Hall) and champion large show hunter pony Kyldar Script (S. Williams).
In ring two, Ewan Herd was selected as the champion senior boy rider by Ms Walker and the champion senior girl rider was Isabella McMahon.
The champion small galloway hack was Macarthurparc The Duchess (M. Storey), champion large galloway hack was Piano Man (T. Hendler), champion small show hunter galloway was Lilys Fair (K. Wilson) and champion large show hunter galloway was Bawara Cosmic Chorus (M. McGill).
Mrs Skinner judged in ring three, presenting the champion lady rider sash to Brianna Starkey. The champion gentleman rider was Harrison Rainnie.
The champion small hack was Love Child (T. Poidevin), champion large hack Landsdowne (T. Hendler), champion small show hunter hack Brandwood Oregon (B. Starkey) and champion large show hunter hack Merricks Rapunzel (B. Emerald).

Three supreme championships were awarded, with the supreme champion rider Brianna Starkey taking the John Galbraith Memorial trophy.
The Sandra Henry Memorial for supreme champion hack was presented to Piano Man (Tahli Hendler) and the Wes Merlin Memorial for supreme champion hunter went to Merricks Rapunzel and Bundy Emerald.
In the Australian Stock Horse ring judged by Kareena Priestley, the champion led mare was M-Jay Luna (M. Tuma-Webb) and the champion led gelding and supreme led was Leganpark Pheonix (L. Pattullo).
The champion ASH Hack was Oakton Lodge Romantic Impact (S. Laws), the champion working ASH Brandwood Samurai (B. Powell) and champion junior ASH Ashfield Lawbreaker (S. Laws).

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