Breed society state branch takes stock after 50 years

THE Victorian Stock Horse community has finally been able to celebrate the 50th anniversary of their state body.
Like many organisations, the South East Australian Management Council (formerly Victorian Management Council ASHS) was forced by Covid to postpone important events and in 2020-2021 but fast forward to this year and it was all systems go.
Australians love a party, so the occasion – which saw the AGM, annual award presentations and anniversary get-together combined – was lively.
It was held at the historic Bells Hotel in South Melbourne, a place of many memories, as in years gone by it was the regular meeting/lunch venue for many of their meetings and functions.
The venue has recently undergone a new renovation, a face-lift if you wish, but the bare bones and memories are still very much present to those in the know and the walls could tell many stories.
The newly appointed ASHS board chairman Barry Moore and ASHS chief executive Jackie Richards came from Tamworth for the event. Both welcomed members and gave a run down on future plans for the society.

The Victorian high-point awards co-ordinator Peter Jelliff gave a brief rundown on the qualifying shows and then announced the overall placings.
The Victorian ASH overall high-point horse of the year 2021-2022 season winner was Otford Valley Eclipse ridden by Lacey Overeem and the runner up was Jane Allen’s ASAR Collusion.
Third was Braeview Oaks Ledger and Sally Beer, followed by Hardal Uno Luna and David Nash, Bauers Marla and Anne Jelliff, Riverglen Indiana and Jason Fry, Redwood Pretty Impressive and Jade Gilbert, Mewburn Wishlist and Casey Cambridge, Hardal Un Chanceux and David Nash and Sheady Jubilation and Ellyn Prichard making up the top 10.
The stallion of the year was David and Emma Nash’s Hardal Uno Luna. Gelding of the year went to Otford Valley Eclipse for Lacey Overeem and the mare of the Year was Anne Jelliff’s Bauers Marla.
The Australian Stock Horse Society places great value in its young riders and the Barry Sawyer Memorial High Point Junior Under 13 Years was Digby Thompson, with Remy Clissold runner up and Stella Brandi in third place.
In the Barry Sawyer Memorial High Point Juvenile 13-18 years, the winner was Marney Healey, with Lacey Overeem the runner up and Montana Dickerson in third place.
When the AGM formalities were over, everyone moved onto the 50th anniversary celebrations, with many “old” familiar faces coming from far and wide.
It was a chance to catch up with old friends, reminisce about the good old days, look through the Victorian ASH memorabilia and have a laugh.
It had been too long.

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